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Revista de Filosofía UCR: 2019. Volumen LVIII, Número 152

    Portad e índice, Volumen LVIII, Número 152


    George García Quesada. Motivo de portada: La articulación de las Contradicciones. Chromatic Affections Carolina Guillermet D. (Acrylic on canvas, 195 x 145 cms., 2019)

    Dossier. Vittorio Morfino, Stefano Pippa. Presentación de dossier: Reading Althusser, Again

    Vittorio Morfino.Althusser as Reader of Gramsci

    Warren Montag. Interpellation and Stigmatization: Althusser and Goffman

    Joseph Serrano. The Interpellation of the Body: Althusser and Kafka

    Stefano Pippa. Althusser against functionalism. Towards the concept of ‘overinterpellation’

    Natalia Romé. Que faire (with Discourse)? A materialist approach to discourse, ideology and politics in neoliberal conjuncture

    Fabio Bruschi. A Dislocation without a Subject. Althusser, Laclau and Spinoza

    Agon Hamza. Class Struggle in Theory: the position of enunciation of philosophy and the Hegel/Spinoza debate

    Nicola Claudio Salvatore. Presentación de dossier: Wittgenstein’s Legacy and Contemporary Philosophy

    Nicola Claudio Salvatore, Rodrigo Oliveira da Silva. Wittgensteinian Fideism vs. Classical Theism

    Maurício da Rosa Vollino. Concepts, Perception, and Wittgenstein’s Theory: a conversation with the sciences

    Arildo Marconatto, Edson Sestari. Algorithm and Language

    Jéferson Luís de Azeredo. The Problem of the Relationship Between Language and World in Heidegger and Wittgenstein

    Adriano Boettcher Brandes. Meditations About the Implications of the Seventh Wittgensteinian Aphorism in the Associative Speech of the Psychoanalytical Subject: whereof one cannot speak thereof one must (Really) be silent?

    Jean Borba dos Reis. Use Theory: considerations about the threat posed by mathematics

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