Portad e índice, Volumen LVIII, Número 152
Dossier. Vittorio Morfino, Stefano Pippa. Presentación de dossier: Reading Althusser, Again
Vittorio Morfino.Althusser as Reader of Gramsci
Warren Montag. Interpellation and Stigmatization: Althusser and Goffman
Joseph Serrano. The Interpellation of the Body: Althusser and Kafka
Stefano Pippa. Althusser against functionalism. Towards the concept of ‘overinterpellation’
Fabio Bruschi. A Dislocation without a Subject. Althusser, Laclau and Spinoza
Nicola Claudio Salvatore. Presentación de dossier: Wittgenstein’s Legacy and Contemporary Philosophy
Nicola Claudio Salvatore, Rodrigo Oliveira da Silva. Wittgensteinian Fideism vs. Classical Theism
Arildo Marconatto, Edson Sestari. Algorithm and Language
Jean Borba dos Reis. Use Theory: considerations about the threat posed by mathematics